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Thanados is an archaeological and anthropological database of sepultures predominatly on the territory of Austria. In hierarchical order, graves, skeletons and grave finds can be searched for and displayed on maps.

For HistoGenes, all archaeological and anthropological data of the 7th-9th century cemetery of Leobersdorf-Ziegelei Polsterer (Lower Austria/A) was entered into the database.


ERC Synergy Grant 2019 – Research proposal:

>>HistoGenes [Part B2]<<

HistoGenes supports the democratization of know-how. How to write a successful ERC Synergy should not be a secret known only to individuals and institutions that have already received such grants. Therefore, the HistoGenes team has published here the Part B2 of its research proposal for the ERC Synergy Grant 2019. We hope that this will both help other teams as they prepare their own grant proposals and that it will give a more detailed picture of our own project’s goals, methods, and organization.

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